
The Soul Reset IV

Saturday, October 26, 2024
Rancho de Vida, Johnson City, Texas

Immerse yourself in a transformative and uplifting one-day women's retreat in the Texas Hill Country, one hour from Austin and San Antonio. At this 4th annual Soul Reset, you'll glean from other wise women and explore topics that will rekindle your heart and spirit.

This year we explore Liminal Space. That in-between of new chapters--some welcome---and some not on your life’s guest list: life, relationships and career transitions, motherhood, moves, empty nesting, sickness, caregiving, menopause, divorce, and loss, of all kinds. Transitions that have us feeling all the big feelings but often don’t come with a map.

Liminal space calls upon us to take life off of autopilot and dig deep. In this one-day (re) treat, you will enmesh with other wonderful women and learn from those who have crossed these thresholds into growth and light. You will connect more deeply to yourself, and other like-minded women, with laughter, music, and art in this liminal-focused cauldron. Think 30-minute TED Talks meets Oprah’s Super Soul Sunday. Leave nurtured, lighter, and expanded with new life tools and friends.

Your Speakers

We've got an incredible group of women generously sharing their knowledge this year. Join us as we explore the power of female-led societies (as seen in honeybee colonies), rest as an art form (and soul necessity), simple wisdom for your life's journey, and how to look for signs from the other side, and how they heal us, and unveil your core values for greater alignment with your purpose. Experience a somatic voyage, be lifted by music, singing, and poetry, laugh and share. 

Dr. Gigi Dunn 
Simple Wisdom for Your Journey

Gigi Dunn, MD spent 20 years as a clinical anesthesiologist and physician executive in Baton Rouge and New Orleans. Propelled by the devastation of Hurricane Katrina, she made a big pivot. She followed her passion for wellness and prevention, completing an Integrative Medicine fellowship through the renowned Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine. Gigi is also certified in traumatic stress studies, and has authored journal articles on trauma, moral injury, and burnout.  She’s currently working with physicians, nurses, and healthcare executives by collaborating with medical centers, medical societies, and medical schools, to introduce a new paradigm in population wellbeing through evidence-based educational programming. 

Gigi is a strong believer that our body is not simply a vehicle to carry our brain.  Neuroscience shows the network of connections that hold an important key to both individual and societal healing during these turbulent times.  We’ll explore the science and soul in the role our body’s wisdom plays in navigating life with authenticity to fulfilled purpose.  It’s the compass that guides us to journey with joy and wonder, even as we process challenging circumstances.  As we integrate deep healing of our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual being, it IS possible to move from awful to awe, guided by the Simple Wisdom of our enlightened choices.

In this immersive session, Karen Frost, one of our other speakers, will share her story, and Gigi will teach us the importance of living from an integrated, balanced, heart-centered place and give us the tools to get there.

Elaine Rubenoff, MA, MSW - Psychotherapist & Artist 
The Healing Power of Signs

Elaine Rubenoff is a psychotherapist and professional artist currently living in NYC. When she and her sister were driving to a retreat at the Omega Institute led by NY Times bestselling author and medium, Laura Lynne Jackson, (Signs: the Secret Language of the Universe) they experienced some jaw-dropping signs that their deceased, beloved parents were near. (The sisters’ story will be featured in Jackson’s upcoming book!) Elaine will delve into the significant impact of signs, reflecting on how they've personally influenced her journey following the loss of her parents. By attuning to the subtle language of the universe, she's found profound healing. She'll invite participants to share their own experiences with loss and the signs that have left an imprint on their lives.

Elaine received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from the School of the Art Institute of Chicago (SAIC) and a Masters in Social Work from Loyola University Chicago. Her work as a therapist centers around grief and loss. In her journey through both art and psychology, Elaine illuminates the overlapping landscapes of grief, healing, and love. She champions the notion that our challenges are but gateways to growth, urging a shift from fear of failure to a mindset of curiosity and non-judgment.

Ange K - Singer, Band Leader, Uplifter

Music for Your Soul

Ange K is in her third chapter of life. Earlier iterations included crisscrossing the country in a high-responsibility role at Dell, mediating legal issues, and managing a team. All while being a young single mom. She has worked supporting people going through mental health crises and almost had one herself working under a toxic manager at a state agency. She was 32 when she got “hustled” into joining her church choir; shy, and unable to read sheet music, she just held it in front of her face. At 35 she first sang solo in public and stepped into her joy. The transition to being a full-time musician, in alignment with her gifts, transformed her in many ways. Inspired by her mother’s record collection: artists like Earth, Wind & Fire, The Rolling Stones, Wings, and everything Motown. Her face changed; the puffiness disappeared and having the time to be in her natural rhythm, she was revitalized. 

Last year she took another big leap, leaving a longtime, uber-popular wedding band she had built from the ground up to start her own, the Ange K Band. She is in her season of “yes,” and the recording sessions, podcasts, and event gigs are rolling in. Ange loves spending time in senior communities singing, dancing, listening to their stories looking at old pictures, and affirming, yes, their husband sure was hot in 1939. When you hear her sing Danny Boy a capella, it is a spiritual experience. At The Soul Reset, Ange will infuse us with her incredible light, singing and leading us in song. 

Karina Maria Tibble, MA, LPC - Mindfulness-Based Psychedelic Counselor & Therapist
A Somatic Voyage

Karina Maria is a bilingual feminine soul guide, a licensed professional counselor, and a transformational coach. Born in Colombia, South America, she relocated to Boulder, Colorado where she received advanced training from Naropa University, the Awakening Women Institute, the Center of Medicinal Mindfulness, and the Transformational Coaching Academy. She has studied with the Arhuaco natives on the Sierra Nevada of Santa Marta and incorporates their earth-based teachings into her work and everyday life. Her time spent learning from Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés (the best-selling author of Women Who Run With the Wolves), and the Arhuaco natives in Colombia inspire her passion for storytelling, ceremony, and the Goddess. She currently supports women in stepping into their most aligned and liberated selves through her 1:1 coaching programs and plant medicine journeys and retreats. 

At last October’s Soul Reset, Karina Maria got us in touch with our inner wild woman in an immersive journey. In this year’s session, Karina Maria will invite women, through mystical/sacred journeying, to connect to our own portals, followed by some nourishing somatic experiences. A game and humming (soooo regulating and liberating) will also be in the mix.

Kat Jones - Bee and Wisdom Keeper
Honeybee Wisdom: The Ways of Female-Led Societies

Kat Jones stepped deeply into a beekeeping portal in 2023 after some shifts in her remarkable 30-year career. Kat ran her own groundbreaking ad agency, Milkshake Media (remember those yellow Live Strong bracelets – she created Livestrong!), spent time at The Gates Foundation as Deputy Director of Insights, and led a health design initiative for Austin’s Dell School of Medicine at UT Austin. When she found herself in a liminal space between career endeavors, this medical illustrator immersed herself in beekeeping as a respite from the corporate world. Doing physical labor, outdoors for modest hourly pay centered Kat. The fascinating ways of honeybees brought Kat back to her own knowing and her true self, renewing her sense of wonder and awakening the field scientist at her core.

Throughout her career, Kat has searched for good examples of female-led and maternal systems of organizational culture. She struggled to find these in human systems but found a gorgeous example in honeybees who take care of each other and work together as a whole. At the Soul Reset, Kat will share a multi-sensory experience of bee wisdom. This sweet session will be uplifting and inspirational.

Sara Puig Laas - Writer & Poet

Sara and her resonant poetry have been a part of The Soul Reset since the beginning. She’s a former newspaper reporter, TV host, job placement specialist, HR Director, exhibit manager, and, MP’s beloved auntie.  Over the years, she’s interviewed 10,000 plus humans. Using that experience, Sara now writes poetry and non-fiction as a path to understanding what motivates people, and how and why people get along well with each other — or don't. 

Her aim is to help women better understand themselves and build better relationships in their daily lives. She hopes her book-in-progress, "Who in the Zoo Are You?" will be a fun contribution to that goal.  This amazing 94-year-old’s newest hobby is telling stories, Moth Radio style, before live audiences. Born and raised in Laredo, she has started a nonprofit to create a US museum to honor immmigrants from all over the world. Recently nominated for a Pushcart Prize, Sara will perform some of her favorite poems---all new--to Soul Resetters.

Karen Frost - Surthrivor, Guide

For two decades Karen owned a boutique PR firm, spearheading publicity campaigns for Fortune 500 companies, authors, businesses, and countless nonprofits, like I Live Here, I Give Here (she helped steward it into a fundraising powerhouse for Austin charities). In her third career act, she is happily ensconced at Miraval Austin, engaging with guests about intention, purpose, manifestation, and other spiritual concepts.

In March, 2023 Karen was diagnosed with stage IV mouth cancer. Extensive surgery, chemotherapy and radiation followed. For Karen, this healing time delivered the “gifts of cancer”: a deeper understanding of true vulnerability and authentic love. Along with her husband Charlie, Karen deeply loves this phrase delivered by her oncologist: “no evidence of disease.” Her cancer journey also connected her to Dr. Gigi Dunn, who helped Karen navigate her cancer journey with powerful guided imagery.

In this immersive session, Karen will share her courageous story and transition us into Gigi’s talk.

Martha Lynn Coon - Writer, Teacher, Mother & Friend
Deep Rest:  Tending to Our Soul & Body Through the Art of Letting Go

Former Austinite, Martha Lynn Coon, returned recently to her hometown of Huntsville, situated in the North Alabama foothills of the Appalachian Mountains.  She believes in the power of movement-based practices and breathwork to help us rest and heal, and she incorporates these practices in both her teaching and her own creative work.  

As women, we are often resistant to rest. Being busy is a societal mantle we often cloak ourselves in. But, how is that working out for us? Martha Lynn will explore the topic of Deep Rest and why it is an essential companion as we navigate the journey of life. We live in a time when, for many people, accessing and prioritizing rest can be an act of resistance.  But rest is not only our birthright, it’s an essential part of our mental and physical health. In this interactive journaling session, we’ll inventory where we are with rest, how the art of letting go invites us into restorative practices, and engage concrete ways to rest our bodies, minds, and nervous systems within the flow of our daily lives. 

Karin Lubin, Ed.D. -Wellness & Leadership Coach

Discovering Your Core Values

Santa Fe resident Karin Lubin teaches people seeking healing, clarity, and wisdom, how to go deeper to become greater. A Master Passion Test authority, she worked and traveled internationally with Janet Bray Attwood, co-author of The Passion Test, teaching this illuminating method. Her Lubin Lifeline for Longevity empowers individuals to harmonize their body, mind, and spirit, unlocking unparalleled strength and wisdom for a life of vitality and purpose. She loves guiding heart-centered wisdom and journaling circles around the country. 

Karin will lead an engaging and transformative session to help you identify and embrace your core values—the fundamental principles that light you up and guide your life. Through interactive exercises and thought-provoking discussions, you'll create a personalized list of core values and explore how they influence every aspect of your life. You’ll see how living in alignment with your core values can transform your everyday experiences, (in relationships, health, financial, and spiritual arenas) bringing you closer to expressing your highest purpose. 

The Soul Reset Schedule

The day will start at 8:30 am with registration and breakfast and the program will begin at 9 am. Lunch will be served on the lawn and we’ll toast the day and each other with a hilltop happy hour gathering beginning around 5 pm. 


Save Your Place Today

Your registration fee of $140 includes:

  • Soul-enriching speakers & experiential activities

  • Breakfast, lunch, appetizers, wine & beverages

  •  Laughs, wonderful connections & nourishment

About The Soul Reset

When we take care of women, women take care of the world. 
This is our fourth year to host The Soul Reset at Rancho de Vida. I started it as an outcome of my own soul-mining journey following some big life hiccups. What I learned and continue to understand is that when we go inward, that’s where the good stuff is. And, sisterhood is the constant that renews and lifts. I hope you can join us, bringing your unique, wonderful self and wisdom. 

- MP Mueller